ALO`s Executive Committee
Approved date is 05/05/2024
by the
District Social Welfare Department of Bangladesh Government
Duration: 03 year (28/03/2024-27/03/2024)
Name and Designation of EC Member`s.
Brief description of Management and Governance system of ALO
The overall governance for ALO rests with the General Committee (GC) which is composed of 24 members. The General Committee elects the Executive Committee (EC) for a period of three years consisting of 7 members-the principal decision-making body. In addition, the General Committee has to ratify policies and programs which have been adopted by the Executive Committee during Annual General Meetings (AGM). It also approves the audited account and budget for the coming year as per government legislation. General Committee meets annually while the Executive Committee sits monthly. But in reality, the EC has to sit more than onetime in a month as per organizational needs. EC performs such functions as entrusted to it by Constitution and other policies which plays important role for achieving vision and mission.
The Executive Committee of ALO is the policy making body of ALO organization. The EC provides the leadership and guidance to the work of the organization and Senior Management team of ALO. It approves ALO’s institutional and programmatic strategies, as well as management, administrative and financial regulations.
The Executive Committee ensures efficient and transparent governance of ALO in accord with the vision, mission and values of the organization. It ensures that ALO as organization determined to achieve its mission applying with its sufficient resources.
The Executive Committee delegate’s full authority and responsibility to Executive Director to implement and plans of work approved by the Committee/Board, and to ensure efficient, effective, transparent and accountable management of work of ALO.
The Executive Director also ensures on behalf of the EC Committee that resources at the disposal of ALO are transparently used meeting highest financial and accounting standards and that funds are other resources are used for programs and projects developed in compliance with standards, rules, laws (conformity) with the mission and objectives of ALO.
The Executive Committee appoints the Executive Director who is responsible for coordinating the overall programme and administrative matters. To assist the ED there is a Senior Management Team (SMT) where all project coordinators (PCs), head of Admin. & Finance and others senior officer included. PCs /managers manage all activities at project office level such as communication with senior official of ALO, government officials, local government representatives, media people and other stakeholders; oversee the staff attendance, field movement, leave record keeping, maintenance assets list and monitoring day to day activities in his/her offices. If the project faces any problems, the Project Coordinator shares the issues with the ED and the ED gives his decision to solve the problem. If any critical issue rose, the ED shares with SMT and then take decision in a participatory process.